TDE python-tqt

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TDE - Pacchetti Base

Python-tqt è una libreria che integra TQt, la versione di Qt adottata dal Trinity Desktop Environment, con PtQt: un insieme di collegamenti tra il linguaggio Python e le funzioni ed oggetti forniti dalle librerie Qt. Python-tqt è un prerequisito per la compilazione del pacchetto python-trinity a sua volta necessario per integrare Python in tdebindings.

Python-tqt su Slackware

Come SIP, python-tqt non è stato giudicato pronto per essere rilasciato assieme ai pacchetti della versione, non esiste pertanto un archivio contenente il codice sorgente. Volendo comunque provare a compilare python-tqt per ottenere una versione di TDE quanto più completa possibile sarà necessario reperire i file dal repository GIT del progetto. Per comodità è stato scaricato un archivio compresso dal ramo master del repository.

Una volta ottenuto l'archivio si è provveduto a decomprimerlo ed a seguire i passi necessari a preparare un pacchetto funzionante in modo da avere una traccia per lo script di compilazione. Il codice sorgente di python-tqt non usa gli autotools, nè cmake per la configurazione, solo uno script Python:, lanciato mediante il comando: python <opzioni> . A configurazione ultimata si dovrà lanciare il comando make seguito da make install.

La riga di comando impiegata per configurare il pacchetto è:

   python \
      -b /usr/bin \
      -d /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages \
      -l /usr/include/python2.7 \
      CFLAGS="-O2 -march=i486 -mtune=i686 -L/opt/trinity/lib -I/opt/trinity/include -I/usr/include/tqt -I/usr/lib/qt/include" \
      CXXFLAGS="-O2 -march=i486 -mtune=i686 -L/opt/trinity/lib -I/opt/trinity/include -I/usr/include/tqt -I/usr/lib/qt/include"

Il primo tentativo di compilazione è fallito rendendo il seguente errore:

  Error: Unable to find the default configuration file
  /usr/lib/qt/mkspecs/default/qmake.conf. You can use the QMAKESPEC environment
  variable to specify the correct platform instead of "default".

Per risolvere il quale è stato necessario aggiungere alcuni collegamenti tra file e directory e rimuoverne di non più funzionanti:

  ln -s /opt/trinity/mkspecs /usr/lib/qt/mkspecs
  rm /opt/trinity/mkspecs/default
     (Puntava ad un file non più presente: /tmp/build/tmp-qt3-trinity/qt3-trinity-
  ln -s /opt/trinity/mkspecs/linux-g++ /opt/trinity/mkspecs/default

Rilanciando la configurazione del pacchetto si è incappati in un altro errore:

  Error: qglobal.h or ntqglobal.h could not be found in /usr/lib/qt/include.

Sul sistema sono presenti tre file chiamati qglobal.h:

  1. /usr/include/tqt/Qt/qglobal.h
  2. /usr/include/tqt/qglobal.h
  3. /opt/trinity/include/qglobal.h

Di questi il primo è quello cui fa riferimento l'errore. Verificato che aggiungere il percorso /usr/include/tqt/Qt/ alla riga di comando non sortisce alcun effetto si è aggiunto un altro link:

  ln -s /usr/include/tqt/Qt/qglobal.h /usr/lib/qt/include/qglobal.h

Ciò ha permesso allo script di configurazione di trovare il file e rendere un nuovo errore:

  Error: The TQt version number could not be determined by parsing

Dopo aver effettuato alcune ricerche sulla pagina wiki del progetto ed aver letto lo script ed il file qglobal.h sono emerse alcune incongruenze: Lo script cerca le variabili TQT_VERSION e TQT_VERSION_STR, ma nel file sono presenti QT_VERSION e QT_VERSION_STR. Una probabile conseguenza dell'essere stati costretti ad installare le librerie QT3 anzichè TQT, come spiegato nella pagina relativa. Lo script di configurazione è stato modificato alla riga 1128:

   #   qt_version, ignore = sipconfig.read_version(qglobal, "TQt", "TQT_VERSION")
      qt_version, ignore = sipconfig.read_version(qglobal, "Qt", "QT_VERSION")

Ed è stato possibile far progredire di un poco la configurazione sino al comparire dell'errore:

  Error: TQt v4.x requires PyTQt v4.x.

Va notato che il pacchetto PyQt-4.9.1-i486-3.txz fosse installato come richiesto dalla documentazione di python-tqt. Una rimozione e successiva installazione dello stesso non ha prodotto alcun risultato in merito al problema. Il file qglobal.h contiene riferimenti alla versione 4.6 delle librerie QT, ma Trinity Desktop Environment si basa sulla versione 3 delle stesse. Modificando il file alle righe 47 e 52 come segue:

   //#define QT_VERSION_STR "4.6.2"
   #define QT_VERSION_STR "3.5.13"
      QT_VERSION is (major << 16) + (minor << 8) + patch.
   //#define QT_VERSION 0x040602
   #define QT_VERSION 0x030513

È stato possibile progredire ancora un po' salvo imbattersi in un altro errore scaturito dalla mancanza di alcuni file:

  Error: qconfig.h or ntqconfig.h could not be found in /usr/lib/qt/include.

Un file battezzato qconfig.h esiste: /opt/trinity/include/qconfig.h. Aggiungere un path di include alle opzioni della riga di comando non rende alcun esito perciò è stato aggiunto un link:

  ln -s /opt/trinity/include/qconfig.h /usr/lib/qt/include/qconfig.h

Incappando prontamente in un nuovo problema:

  Error: No TQt libraries could be found in /usr/lib/qt/lib

Per risolvere il quale è stato necessario aggiungere un altro collegamento:

  ln -s /opt/trinity/lib/ /usr/lib/qt/lib/

E finalmente lo script è stato in grado di trovare tutti i file necessari:

  This is the GPL version of PyTQt 3.18.1 (licensed under the GNU General Public
  License) for Python 2.7.3 on linux2.
  Type 'L' to view the license.
  Type 'yes' to accept the terms of the license.
  Type 'no' to decline the terms of the license.
  Do you accept the terms of the license? yes
  qextscintillaglobal.h could not be found in /usr/lib/qt/include and so the
  qtext module will not be built. If TQScintilla is installed then use the -n
  argument to explicitly specify the correct directory.
  Checking to see if the qtcanvas module should be built...
  Checking to see if the qtnetwork module should be built...
  Checking to see if the qttable module should be built...
  Checking to see if the qtxml module should be built...
  Checking to see if the qtgl module should be built...
  Checking to see if the qtui module should be built...
  Checking to see if the qtsql module should be built...
  Checking to see if the TQAssistantClient class is available...
  Creating features file...
  Checking to see if the TQCDEStyle class is built in...
  Checking to see if the TQCDEStyle class is built in...
  Checking to see if the TQInterlaceStyle class is built in...
  Checking to see if the TQInterlaceStyle class is built in...
  Checking to see if the TQMotifStyle class is built in...
  Checking to see if the TQMotifStyle class is built in...
  Checking to see if the TQMotifPlusStyle class is built in...
  Checking to see if the TQMotifPlusStyle class is built in...
  Checking to see if the TQPlatinumStyle class is built in...
  Checking to see if the TQPlatinumStyle class is built in...
  Checking to see if the TQSGIStyle class is built in...
  Checking to see if the TQSGIStyle class is built in...
  Checking to see if the TQWindowsXPStyle class is built in...
  Checking to see if the TQWindowsXPStyle class is built in...
  Checking to see if the TQWindowsStyle class is built in...
  Checking to see if the TQWindowsStyle class is built in...
  TQt v3.5.19 free edition is being used.
  SIP 4.10.5 is being used.
  These PyTQt modules will be built: qt.
  Support for these TQt classes has been disabled: TQAssistantClient TQCDEStyle
  TQInterlaceStyle TQMotifStyle TQMotifPlusStyle TQPlatinumStyle TQSGIStyle
  TQWindowsXPStyle TQWindowsStyle.
  The PyTQt modules will be installed in /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages.
  The PyTQt .sip files will be installed in /usr/share/sip.
  The TQt header files are in /usr/lib/qt/include.
  The tqt-mt TQt library is in /usr/lib/qt/lib.
  pyuic will be installed in /usr/bin.
  pylupdate will be installed in /usr/bin.
  Generating the C++ source for the qt module...
  Creating the Makefile for the qt module...
  Creating top level Makefile...
  Creating pyuic Makefile...
  An internal error occured.  Please report all the output from the program,
  including the following traceback, to
  Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1469, in <module>
  File "", line 1455, in main
     subdirs=pyqt_modules +,
  File "", line 300, in tools
     shutil.copyfile(qt_dir + "/src/xml/" + xml, "pyuic3/" + xml)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 82, in copyfile
     with open(src, 'rb') as fsrc:
  IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/usr/lib/qt/src/xml/qdom.cpp'

Salvo alcuni file di codice sorgente appartenenti al pacchetto delle Qt e non presenti sulla macchina. Dopo aver creato la directory /usr/lib/qt/src/xml

  mkdir -p /usr/lib/qt/src/xml

la si è popolata con i file estratti dalla directory /src/xml dell'archivio qt3-trinity- contenente il suddetto codice sorgente. Finalmente lo script ha potuto girare fino a completamento generando il codice necessario al comando make:

  This is the GPL version of PyTQt 3.18.1 (licensed under the GNU General Public
  License) for Python 2.7.3 on linux2.
  Type 'L' to view the license.
  Type 'yes' to accept the terms of the license.
  Type 'no' to decline the terms of the license.
  Do you accept the terms of the license? yes
  qextscintillaglobal.h could not be found in /usr/lib/qt/include and so the
  qtext module will not be built. If TQScintilla is installed then use the -n
  argument to explicitly specify the correct directory.
  Checking to see if the qtcanvas module should be built...
  Checking to see if the qtnetwork module should be built...
  Checking to see if the qttable module should be built...
  Checking to see if the qtxml module should be built...
  Checking to see if the qtgl module should be built...
  Checking to see if the qtui module should be built...
  Checking to see if the qtsql module should be built...
  Checking to see if the TQAssistantClient class is available...
  Creating features file...
  Checking to see if the TQCDEStyle class is built in...
  Checking to see if the TQCDEStyle class is built in...
  Checking to see if the TQInterlaceStyle class is built in...
  Checking to see if the TQInterlaceStyle class is built in...
  Checking to see if the TQMotifStyle class is built in...
  Checking to see if the TQMotifStyle class is built in...
  Checking to see if the TQMotifPlusStyle class is built in...
  Checking to see if the TQMotifPlusStyle class is built in...
  Checking to see if the TQPlatinumStyle class is built in...
  Checking to see if the TQPlatinumStyle class is built in...
  Checking to see if the TQSGIStyle class is built in...
  Checking to see if the TQSGIStyle class is built in...
  Checking to see if the TQWindowsXPStyle class is built in...
  Checking to see if the TQWindowsXPStyle class is built in...
  Checking to see if the TQWindowsStyle class is built in...
  Checking to see if the TQWindowsStyle class is built in...
  TQt v3.5.19 free edition is being used.
  SIP 4.10.5 is being used.
  These PyTQt modules will be built: qt.
  Support for these TQt classes has been disabled: TQAssistantClient TQCDEStyle
  TQInterlaceStyle TQMotifStyle TQMotifPlusStyle TQPlatinumStyle TQSGIStyle
  TQWindowsXPStyle TQWindowsStyle.
  The PyTQt modules will be installed in /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages.
  The PyTQt .sip files will be installed in /usr/share/sip.
  The TQt header files are in /usr/lib/qt/include.
  The tqt-mt TQt library is in /usr/lib/qt/lib.
  pyuic will be installed in /usr/bin.
  pylupdate will be installed in /usr/bin.
  Generating the C++ source for the qt module...
  Creating the Makefile for the qt module...
  Creating top level Makefile...
  Creating pyuic Makefile...
  Creating pylupdate Makefile...

Purtroppo lanciando il comando make vengono resi molti altri errori:

  bash-4.2# make
  make[1]: Entering directory `/tmp/build/tmp-python-tqt/python-tqt-'
  g++ -c -O2 -march=i486 -mtune=i686 -L/opt/trinity/lib -I/opt/trinity/include -I/usr/include/tqt -I/usr/lib/qt/include 
     -fPIC -O2 -Wall -W -D_REENTRANT -DNDEBUG -DQT_NO_DEBUG -DQT_THREAD_SUPPORT -I. -I/usr/include/python2.7 
     -I/usr/lib/qt/mkspecs/default -I/usr/lib/qt/include -I/usr/X11R6/include -o sipqtcmodule.o sipqtcmodule.cpp
  In file included from /usr/include/tqt/tqimage.h:32:0,
                 from /tmp/build/tmp-python-tqt/python-tqt-
  /opt/trinity/include/qimage.h: In member function 'bool QImageTextKeyLang::operator<(const QImageTextKeyLang&) const':
  /opt/trinity/include/qimage.h:61:61: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses]
  /tmp/build/tmp-python-tqt/python-tqt- At global scope:
  /tmp/build/tmp-python-tqt/python-tqt- warning: missing initializer for 
     member '_heaptypeobject::as_number' [-Wmissing-field-initializers]
  /tmp/build/tmp-python-tqt/python-tqt- warning: missing initializer for 
     member '_heaptypeobject::as_mapping' [-Wmissing-field-initializers]
  /tmp/build/tmp-python-tqt/python-tqt- warning: missing initializer for 
     member '_heaptypeobject::as_sequence' [-Wmissing-field-initializers]
  /tmp/build/tmp-python-tqt/python-tqt- warning: missing initializer for 
     member '_heaptypeobject::as_buffer' [-Wmissing-field-initializers]
  /tmp/build/tmp-python-tqt/python-tqt- warning: missing initializer for 
     member '_heaptypeobject::ht_name' [-Wmissing-field-initializers]
  /tmp/build/tmp-python-tqt/python-tqt- warning: missing initializer for 
     member '_heaptypeobject::ht_slots' [-Wmissing-field-initializers]
  /tmp/build/tmp-python-tqt/python-tqt- In static member function 'static QMetaObject* 
  /tmp/build/tmp-python-tqt/python-tqt- error: 'TQUMethod' does not name a type
  /tmp/build/tmp-python-tqt/python-tqt- error: 'slot' was not declared in this scope
  /tmp/build/tmp-python-tqt/python-tqt- In member function 'virtual bool 
     UniversalSlot::tqt_invoke(int, QUObject*)':
  /tmp/build/tmp-python-tqt/python-tqt- error: 'tqt_invoke' is not a 
     member of 'QObject'
  /tmp/build/tmp-python-tqt/python-tqt- error: 'static_QUType_TQVariant' 
     was not declared in this scope
  /tmp/build/tmp-python-tqt/python-tqt- error: 'static_QUType_TQVariant' 
     was not declared in this scope
  sipqtcmodule.cpp: At global scope:
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8569:72: error: 'TQStyleControlElementData' does not name a type
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8569:99: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of 'a0' with no type [-fpermissive]
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8569:111: error: 'QStyle::ControlElementFlags' has not been declared
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8569:152: error: 'QStyle::ApplicationActionRequest' has not been declared
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8569:180: error: 'TQStyleWidgetActionRequestData' has not been declared
  sipqtcmodule.cpp: In function 'bool sipVH_qt_121(sip_gilstate_t, PyObject*, const int&, int, void*, int, int)':
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8572:62: error: expected type-specifier before 'TQStyleControlElementData'
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8572:62: error: expected ')' before 'TQStyleControlElementData'
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8572:221: error: expected type-specifier before 'TQStyleApplicationActionRequestData'
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8572:221: error: expected ')' before 'TQStyleApplicationActionRequestData'
  sipqtcmodule.cpp: At global scope:
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8569:6: warning: unused parameter 'a0' [-Wunused-parameter]
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8569:6: warning: unused parameter 'a4' [-Wunused-parameter]
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8585:72: error: 'TQStyleControlElementData' does not name a type
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8585:99: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of 'a0' with no type [-fpermissive]
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8585:111: error: 'QStyle::ControlElementFlags' has not been declared
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8585:152: error: 'QStyle::WidgetActionRequest' has not been declared
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8585:175: error: 'TQStyleWidgetActionRequestData' has not been declared
  sipqtcmodule.cpp: In function 'bool sipVH_qt_122(sip_gilstate_t, PyObject*, const int&, int, void*, int, int)':
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8588:62: error: expected type-specifier before 'TQStyleControlElementData'
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8588:62: error: expected ')' before 'TQStyleControlElementData'
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8588:216: error: expected type-specifier before 'TQStyleWidgetActionRequestData'
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8588:216: error: expected ')' before 'TQStyleWidgetActionRequestData'
  sipqtcmodule.cpp: At global scope:
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8585:6: warning: unused parameter 'a0' [-Wunused-parameter]
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8585:6: warning: unused parameter 'a4' [-Wunused-parameter]
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8601:72: error: 'TQStyleControlElementData' does not name a type
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8601:99: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of 'a0' with no type [-fpermissive]
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8601:111: error: 'QStyle::ControlElementFlags' has not been declared
  sipqtcmodule.cpp: In function 'bool sipVH_qt_123(sip_gilstate_t, PyObject*, const int&, int, void*, QEvent*)':
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8604:61: error: expected type-specifier before 'TQStyleControlElementData'
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8604:61: error: expected ')' before 'TQStyleControlElementData'
  sipqtcmodule.cpp: At global scope:
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8601:6: warning: unused parameter 'a0' [-Wunused-parameter]
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8617:100: error: 'TQStyleControlElementData' does not name a type
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8617:127: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of 'a1' with no type [-fpermissive]
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8617:139: error: 'QStyle::ControlElementFlags' has not been declared
  sipqtcmodule.cpp: In function 'QPixmap sipVH_qt_124(sip_gilstate_t, PyObject*, QStyle::StylePixmap, 
     const int&, int, const QStyleOption&, const QWidget*)':
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8620:93: error: expected type-specifier before 'TQStyleControlElementData'
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8620:93: error: expected ')' before 'TQStyleControlElementData'
  sipqtcmodule.cpp: At global scope:
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8617:10: warning: unused parameter 'a1' [-Wunused-parameter]
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8633:93: error: 'TQStyleControlElementData' does not name a type
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8633:120: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of 'a1' with no type [-fpermissive]
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8633:132: error: 'QStyle::ControlElementFlags' has not been declared
  sipqtcmodule.cpp: In function 'int sipVH_qt_125(sip_gilstate_t, PyObject*, QStyle::StyleHint, 
     const int&, int, const QStyleOption&, QStyleHintReturn*, const QWidget*)':
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8636:92: error: expected type-specifier before 'TQStyleControlElementData'
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8636:92: error: expected ')' before 'TQStyleControlElementData'
  sipqtcmodule.cpp: At global scope:
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8633:5: warning: unused parameter 'a1' [-Wunused-parameter]
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8649:99: error: 'TQStyleControlElementData' does not name a type
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8649:126: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of 'a1' with no type [-fpermissive]
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8649:138: error: 'QStyle::ControlElementFlags' has not been declared
  sipqtcmodule.cpp: In function 'QSize sipVH_qt_126(sip_gilstate_t, PyObject*, QStyle::ContentsType, 
     const int&, int, const QSize&, const QStyleOption&, const QWidget*)':
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8652:95: error: expected type-specifier before 'TQStyleControlElementData'
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8652:95: error: expected ')' before 'TQStyleControlElementData'
  sipqtcmodule.cpp: At global scope:
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8649:8: warning: unused parameter 'a1' [-Wunused-parameter]
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8665:95: error: 'TQStyleControlElementData' does not name a type
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8665:122: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of 'a1' with no type [-fpermissive]
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8665:134: error: 'QStyle::ControlElementFlags' has not been declared
  sipqtcmodule.cpp: In function 'int sipVH_qt_127(sip_gilstate_t, PyObject*, QStyle::PixelMetric, 
     const int&, int, const QWidget*)':
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8668:92: error: expected type-specifier before 'TQStyleControlElementData'
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8668:92: error: expected ')' before 'TQStyleControlElementData'
  sipqtcmodule.cpp: At global scope:
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8665:5: warning: unused parameter 'a1' [-Wunused-parameter]
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8681:114: error: 'TQStyleControlElementData' does not name a type
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8681:141: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of 'a1' with no type [-fpermissive]
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8681:153: error: 'QStyle::ControlElementFlags' has not been declared
  sipqtcmodule.cpp: In function 'QStyle::SubControl sipVH_qt_128(sip_gilstate_t, PyObject*, 
     QStyle::ComplexControl, const int&, int, const QPoint&, const QStyleOption&, const QWidget*)':
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8684:97: error: expected type-specifier before 'TQStyleControlElementData'
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8684:97: error: expected ')' before 'TQStyleControlElementData'
  sipqtcmodule.cpp: At global scope:
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8681:21: warning: unused parameter 'a1' [-Wunused-parameter]
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8697:101: error: 'TQStyleControlElementData' does not name a type
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8697:128: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of 'a1' with no type [-fpermissive]
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8697:140: error: 'QStyle::ControlElementFlags' has not been declared
  sipqtcmodule.cpp: In function 'QRect sipVH_qt_129(sip_gilstate_t, PyObject*, QStyle::ComplexControl, 
     const int&, int, QStyle::SubControl, const QStyleOption&, const QWidget*)':
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8700:97: error: expected type-specifier before 'TQStyleControlElementData'
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8700:97: error: expected ')' before 'TQStyleControlElementData'
  sipqtcmodule.cpp: At global scope:
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8697:8: warning: unused parameter 'a1' [-Wunused-parameter]
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8713:113: error: 'TQStyleControlElementData' does not name a type
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8713:140: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of 'a2' with no type [-fpermissive]
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8713:149: error: 'ControlElementFlags' in 'class QStyle' does not name a type
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8713:178: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of 'a3' with no type [-fpermissive]
  sipqtcmodule.cpp: In function 'void sipVH_qt_130(sip_gilstate_t, PyObject*, QStyle::ComplexControl, 
     QPainter*, const int&, int, const QRect&, const QStyleOption&, const QWidget*)':
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8715:124: error: expected type-specifier before 'TQStyleControlElementData'
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8715:124: error: expected ')' before 'TQStyleControlElementData'
  sipqtcmodule.cpp: At global scope:
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8713:6: warning: unused parameter 'a2' [-Wunused-parameter]
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8726:113: error: 'TQStyleControlElementData' does not name a type
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8726:140: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of 'a2' with no type [-fpermissive]
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8726:152: error: 'QStyle::ControlElementFlags' has not been declared
  sipqtcmodule.cpp: In function 'void sipVH_qt_131(sip_gilstate_t, PyObject*, QStyle::ComplexControl, 
     QPainter*, const int&, int, const QRect&, const QColorGroup&, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, 
     const QStyleOption&, const QWidget*)':
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8728:128: error: expected type-specifier before 'TQStyleControlElementData'
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8728:128: error: expected ')' before 'TQStyleControlElementData'
  sipqtcmodule.cpp: At global scope:
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8726:6: warning: unused parameter 'a2' [-Wunused-parameter]
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8739:94: error: 'TQStyleControlElementData' does not name a type
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8739:121: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of 'a1' with no type [-fpermissive]
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8739:130: error: 'ControlElementFlags' in 'class QStyle' does not name a type
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8739:159: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of 'a2' with no type [-fpermissive]
  sipqtcmodule.cpp: In function 'QRect sipVH_qt_132(sip_gilstate_t, PyObject*, QStyle::SubRect, const int&, 
     int, const QWidget*)':
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8742:88: error: expected type-specifier before 'TQStyleControlElementData'
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8742:88: error: expected ')' before 'TQStyleControlElementData'
  sipqtcmodule.cpp: At global scope:
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8739:8: warning: unused parameter 'a1' [-Wunused-parameter]
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8755:113: error: 'TQStyleControlElementData' does not name a type
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8755:140: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of 'a2' with no type [-fpermissive]
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8755:152: error: 'QStyle::ControlElementFlags' has not been declared
  sipqtcmodule.cpp: In function 'void sipVH_qt_133(sip_gilstate_t, PyObject*, QStyle::ControlElement, 
     QPainter*, const int&, int, const QRect&, const QStyleOption&, const QWidget*)':
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8757:124: error: expected type-specifier before 'TQStyleControlElementData'
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8757:124: error: expected ')' before 'TQStyleControlElementData'
  sipqtcmodule.cpp: At global scope:
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8755:6: warning: unused parameter 'a2' [-Wunused-parameter]
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8768:113: error: 'TQStyleControlElementData' does not name a type
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8768:140: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of 'a2' with no type [-fpermissive]
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8768:152: error: 'QStyle::ControlElementFlags' has not been declared
  sipqtcmodule.cpp: In function 'void sipVH_qt_134(sip_gilstate_t, PyObject*, QStyle::ControlElement, 
     QPainter*, const int&, int, const QRect&, const QColorGroup&, unsigned int, const QStyleOption&, const QWidget*)':
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8770:126: error: expected type-specifier before 'TQStyleControlElementData'
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8770:126: error: expected ')' before 'TQStyleControlElementData'
  sipqtcmodule.cpp: At global scope:
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8768:6: warning: unused parameter 'a2' [-Wunused-parameter]
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8781:115: error: 'TQStyleControlElementData' does not name a type
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8781:142: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of 'a2' with no type [-fpermissive]
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8781:154: error: 'QStyle::ControlElementFlags' has not been declared
  sipqtcmodule.cpp: In function 'void sipVH_qt_135(sip_gilstate_t, PyObject*, QStyle::PrimitiveElement, 
     QPainter*, const int&, int, const QRect&, const QColorGroup&, unsigned int, const QStyleOption&)':
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8783:127: error: expected type-specifier before 'TQStyleControlElementData'
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8783:127: error: expected ')' before 'TQStyleControlElementData'
  sipqtcmodule.cpp: At global scope:
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:8781:6: warning: unused parameter 'a2' [-Wunused-parameter]
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:9000:72: error: 'TQStyleControlElementData' does not name a type
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:9000:99: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of 'a0' with no type [-fpermissive]
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:9000:111: error: 'QStyle::ControlElementFlags' has not been declared
  sipqtcmodule.cpp: In function 'void sipVH_qt_150(sip_gilstate_t, PyObject*, const int&, int, void*)':
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:9002:60: error: expected type-specifier before 'TQStyleControlElementData'
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:9002:60: error: expected ')' before 'TQStyleControlElementData'
  sipqtcmodule.cpp: At global scope:
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:9000:6: warning: unused parameter 'a0' [-Wunused-parameter]
  sipqtcmodule.cpp: In function 'PyObject* func_tqAppClass(PyObject*, PyObject*)':
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:12559:33: error: 'tqAppClass' was not declared in this scope
  sipqtcmodule.cpp: In function 'PyObject* func_tqt_xrootwin(PyObject*, PyObject*)':
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:12588:35: error: 'tqt_xrootwin' was not declared in this scope
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:12601:37: error: 'tqt_xrootwin' was not declared in this scope
  sipqtcmodule.cpp: In function 'PyObject* func_tqt_xscreen(PyObject*, PyObject*)':
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:12624:34: error: 'tqt_xscreen' was not declared in this scope
  sipqtcmodule.cpp: In function 'PyObject* func_tqt_xdisplay(PyObject*, PyObject*)':
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:12647:35: error: 'tqt_xdisplay' was not declared in this scope
  sipqtcmodule.cpp: In function 'PyObject* func_tqInstallPathSysconf(PyObject*, PyObject*)':
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:12670:43: error: 'tqInstallPathSysconf' was not declared in this scope
  sipqtcmodule.cpp: In function 'PyObject* func_tqInstallPathTranslations(PyObject*, PyObject*)':
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:12699:48: error: 'tqInstallPathTranslations' was not declared in this scope
  sipqtcmodule.cpp: In function 'PyObject* func_tqInstallPathData(PyObject*, PyObject*)':
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:12728:40: error: 'tqInstallPathData' was not declared in this scope
  sipqtcmodule.cpp: In function 'PyObject* func_tqInstallPathPlugins(PyObject*, PyObject*)':
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:12757:43: error: 'tqInstallPathPlugins' was not declared in this scope
  sipqtcmodule.cpp: In function 'PyObject* func_tqInstallPathBins(PyObject*, PyObject*)':
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:12786:40: error: 'tqInstallPathBins' was not declared in this scope
  sipqtcmodule.cpp: In function 'PyObject* func_tqInstallPathLibs(PyObject*, PyObject*)':
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:12815:40: error: 'tqInstallPathLibs' was not declared in this scope
  sipqtcmodule.cpp: In function 'PyObject* func_tqInstallPathHeaders(PyObject*, PyObject*)':
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:12844:43: error: 'tqInstallPathHeaders' was not declared in this scope
  sipqtcmodule.cpp: In function 'PyObject* func_tqInstallPathDocs(PyObject*, PyObject*)':
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:12873:40: error: 'tqInstallPathDocs' was not declared in this scope
  sipqtcmodule.cpp: In function 'PyObject* func_tqInstallPath(PyObject*, PyObject*)':
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:12902:36: error: 'tqInstallPath' was not declared in this scope
  sipqtcmodule.cpp: In function 'PyObject* func_tqVersion(PyObject*, PyObject*)':
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:12931:32: error: 'tqVersion' was not declared in this scope
  sipqtcmodule.cpp: At global scope:
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:13631:27: error: 'TQtDebugMsg' was not declared in this scope
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:13632:27: error: 'TQtFatalMsg' was not declared in this scope
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:13633:29: error: 'TQtWarningMsg' was not declared in this scope
  sipqtcmodule.cpp:14525:27: error: 'TQCOORD_MIN' was not declared in this scope
  /tmp/build/tmp-python-tqt/python-tqt- warning: 
     'void* sipTQtCreateUniversalSlot(sipWrapper*, const char*, PyObject*, const char*, const char**, int)' 
     defined but not used [-Wunused-function]
  /tmp/build/tmp-python-tqt/python-tqt- warning: 
     'void sipTQtDestroyUniversalSlot(void*)' defined but not used [-Wunused-function]
  /tmp/build/tmp-python-tqt/python-tqt- warning: 
     'void* sipTQtFindSlot(void*, const char*, PyObject*, const char*, const char**)' 
     defined but not used [-Wunused-function]
  /tmp/build/tmp-python-tqt/python-tqt- warning: 
     'int sipTQtConnect(void*, const char*, void*, const char*, int)' defined but not used [-Wunused-function]
  /tmp/build/tmp-python-tqt/python-tqt- warning: 
     'int sipTQtDisconnect(void*, const char*, void*, const char*)' defined but not used [-Wunused-function]
  /tmp/build/tmp-python-tqt/python-tqt- warning: 
     'sipSlot* sipTQtFindSipslot(void*, void**)' defined but not used [-Wunused-function]
  /tmp/build/tmp-python-tqt/python-tqt- warning: 
     'int sipTQtEmitSignal(PyObject*, const char*, PyObject*)' defined but not used [-Wunused-function]
  /tmp/build/tmp-python-tqt/python-tqt- warning: 
     'int sipTQtConnectPySignal(PyObject*, const char*, PyObject*, const char*)' defined but not used [-Wunused-function]
  /tmp/build/tmp-python-tqt/python-tqt- warning: 
     'void sipTQtDisconnectPySignal(PyObject*, const char*, PyObject*, const char*)' defined but not used [-Wunused-function]
  make[1]: *** [sipqtcmodule.o] Error 1
  make[1]: Leaving directory `/tmp/build/tmp-python-tqt/python-tqt-'
  make: *** [all] Error 2

A prima vista legati ai namespace delle librerie TQt. Purtroppo non sembra possibile reperire documentazione sull'argomento nella pagina wiki del progetto TDE per cui non è possibile ultimare il pacchetto. Come conseguneza tdebindings verrà compilato senza il supporto al linguaggio Python.

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