En/wine multilib slackbuild

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Languages: English - Italiano

Just some quick notes about multilib Wine build process using a Slackbuild script.

The build process shall run twice with a proper configuration for each run:

  • 64 bit Wine
  configure --enable-win64
  • Wow64 the subsystem needed to run 32 bit binaries in a 64 bit Environment
  configure --with-wine64=<target directory used for the previous build>

It's even possible to compile two distinct Wine versions then manually copy some files from the 32 to the 64 bit build tree:

  $libdir/libwine.so*    (Library + some links).
  $libdir/wine/          (Directory containing all 32 bit libraries).
  $bindir/wine           (Binary file. Should be renamed wine32 in order not to overwrite the 64 bit one).
  $bindir/wine-preloader (Binary file)

The last two lines contain outdated instructions that refer to the 1.1.44 Wine release. In between release 1.1.44 and 1.2-rc2 the build process was updated and as a result the 64 bit Wine binary is now wine64. There is no need to rename wine in wine 32.

The build script was updated so as to use the standard build directory for the main Wine build and, for 64 bit only, to create a dedicated directory for the WoW64 subsystem.

When building WoW64, the make install command will automatically copy the needed 32 bit files in the package build tree.

Some details about the used directory tree:

  tmp    = /tmp/build/tmp-wine         src. The configure command is run here.
           /tmp/build/tmp-wine/wow64   Added for 32 bit libraries.
  pkg    = /tmp/package/wine
  output = /tmp

The script directory flow is as follows:

  cd /tmp/build/tmp-wine
     Extract source code -> /tmp/build/tmp-wine/wine-<version>
  cd /tmp/build/tmp-wine/wine-<version>
     Permission change
  cd /tmp/build/tmp-wine
     mkdir /tmp/build/tmp-wine/wine
  cd /tmp/build/tmp-wine/wine
     configure --enable-win64
     mkdir /tmp/build/tmp-wine/wow64
  cd /tmp/build/tmp-wine/wow64
     configure --with-wine64=<dir>

A recent slackbuildd script and the files used to compile Wine can be found in a compressed archive available at link: wine 1.7.15 The script uses both Fontforge and Requiredbuilder. If You do not wish to use them set the proper variables as follows: REQUIRE_FONTFORGE="NO" e REQUIREDBUILDER_USE="NO"

For any feedback, questions, errors and such, please e-mail me at studiosg [at] giustetti [dot] net.

Languages: English - Italiano