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Welcome to Simone Giustetti's wiki pages.

Languages: English - Italiano



The tdeaddons package includes a few plug-ins and scripts integrating and adding features to the Trinity Desktop Environment included software. The additional features affect some applications like Kate: an advanced text editor, Kfile, Kicker: the application bar manager, Konqueror: the integrated web browser, Noatun: the default media player and KNewsTicker. The package is obviously optional and no TDE base functionality will go missing by not installing it.

Tdeaddons and Slackware

The tdeaddons package replaces kdeaddons for KDE 3.5. The build system relies on autotools and has not been ported to cmake yet. The kdeaddons build script can be used for tdeaddons, but some updates and tweaks are due. The following rules were applied when compiling the package to ensure a clean build:

  • Directory /opt/trinity was set as package root directory.
  • Some missing makefiles were created running the make command from inside the main directory of the code extracted from the source archive.
  • The source code was patched in order to solve a version mismatch issue with libtool: the source code was configured for release 2.2.6, but 2.4.2 is installed along Slackware 14.0.
  • Last the configure command --enable-closure option was enabled following TDE documentation suggestions.

Some script lines of code and related comments follow.

Some configuration scripts required by the build procedure are missing from the source tarball. We create the makefiles using the make command:

  # Prepare the package for building (Create the configure script).
  echo "(II) admin makefile run here" >> ${OUTPUT}/${PRGNAM}_configure.log
  make -f admin/Makefile.common \
     2>&1 | tee -a ${OUTPUT}/${PRGNAM}_configure.log

A patch is needed to solve a libtool package version mismatch conflict:

  # Patch the admin/ltmain.sh script in order to solve a version mismatch.
  patch -p0 -i ${SRCDIR}/ltmain_version_update.patch

The script specifically sets Qt libraries paths in order for other scripts to find them at build time:

  # Add temporary paths to handle new libraries during build
  export QTDIR=/opt/trinity
  export PATH=/opt/trinity/bin:/usr/bin:$PATH
  export LIBDIR=/usr/lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX}
  export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX}:/opt/trinity/lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX}
  export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=:/usr/lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX}/pkgconfig:/opt/trinity/lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX}/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH

Finally the script runs the ./configure command to configure source code in accordance to the destination environment:

  # Configure the package
  ../${PRGNAM}-${VERSION}/configure \
     --prefix=${PREFIX} \
     --sysconfdir="/etc/trinity" \
     --libdir=${LIBDIR} \
     --mandir=${PREFIX}/man \
     --with-qt-dir=${QTDIR} \
     --with-qt-includes=${PREFIX}/include \
     --with-qt-libraries=${PREFIX}/lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX} \
     --disable-rpath \
     --enable-closure \
     2>&1 | tee -a ${OUTPUT}/${PRGNAM}_configure.log

Once the configuration successfully concludes, the script runs the make command then goes on with packaging the software.

A full script can be downloaded from the following link. The output package can be installed using command installpkg as usual in Slackware Linux.

For any feedback, questions, errors and such, please e-mail me at studiosg [at] giustetti [dot] net

External Links

Languages: English - Italiano